The short or high sock is not part of the shoe but the shoe itself. The socks are mostly synthetic, with a special knit that gives them the shape of a boot or a half-motif, making them at the same time resistant to wear.
Of course, we are talking about a shoe of special comfort because of its light weight and good fit. I would say this trend is the continuation of last year's fashion, where socks were an integral part of every look, whether they were worn with female oxfords or high heels.
Fashion firms such as Fendi and Balenciaga, as well as sports companies such as Reebok, are betting on this trend. The latter launched its new "Sock Runner UltraknitUltraknit" model, emphasizing the high technology of the sock and soles.
This fashion, of course, was also found at the all big retail chains, not only in sports-style but also in high heel and peep toe versions.
We have great expectations for the shoe-socks.
Get ready to see them in many, many versions this winter!
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